In acupuncture, problems are treated with no pharmaceuticals whatsoever. The process simply reanimates the body's natural healing abilities and allows the body to mend itself. This is exactly why Kudlik Dental endorses acupuncture--it is a holistic, drug-free, and effective health alternative. In the acupuncture realm, we advocate Dixie Wall Acupuncture and Wellness, which is run by a patient of ours--Dixie Wall. She is a licensed acupuncturist, nutritionist, and holistic health practitioner in Orange County. Her goal is to help you unlock your mind, body, and spirit's true potential and live a healthier, happier, and longer life. At Dixie Wall Acupuncture and Wellness, patients are able to achieve their health goals by getting the root cause of their issues treated, not only the symptoms. Furthermore, they are each given unique health plans that are tailored to their specific needs. Focusing on nutrition and overall health, in addition to acupuncture, the benefits ...
Here at Kudlik Dental, we care not only about your teeth, but about your overall health, as well. Check out how our Southern California Holistic Community is helping to promote a healthy lifestyle!