Mary Tobin is a licensed Acupuncturist located in Brea who specializes in integrating eastern and western medicine. Just like our core office values, Mary has a strong conviction to treat the root of problem, not just cover up the symptoms! Looking for the root cause of the problem helps identify and correct "symptoms of the symptoms," and once the root of the problem is healed, the body is able to reverse the pains that most people typically write off as aging. This acupuncture technique has proven successful on many health issues, including thyroid and hormone imbalance, weight, diabetes, pain, migraines, infertility, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and digestive problems. Concentrating on individual needs, Mary offers private consultations to create a plan specific to each individual. A complete health evaluation is done using radiation-free, Bio-meridian, full-body scans to identify potential health problems; heart rate variability stress tests to detect nervous ...
Here at Kudlik Dental, we care not only about your teeth, but about your overall health, as well. Check out how our Southern California Holistic Community is helping to promote a healthy lifestyle!