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Showing posts from February, 2018

Children's Dental Health Month Awareness

In 1981, the American Dental Association dedicated February to a month-long celebration known today as National Children’s Dental Health Month.This national health observance brings together thousands of dedicated dental professionals, health care providers and others to promote the benefits of good oral health.  Last February our office offered a free community service in public health through an interactive dental presentation for Kindergarten- 3rd classrooms. We are thrilled to present a curriculum designed by Dr. Cindy tailored to provide students with fun, educational material for cavity prevention and oral health. Dr. Cindy is a home school mother who loves educating people, young or old. She has found that there is never an age limit on learning, even parents learn something new in our presentations! Inspired by the lack of children's dental education available, Dr.Cindy introduces the felt story board of "Charlie The Tooth", presenting the story o